About Me

Hii👋, This is Deepak here

I am a Web Developer and, As a web developer, my objective is to create user-friendly and efficient websites that are visually appealing and easy to navigate. I utilize my skills in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, Tailwind CSS, node.js and SQL to develop websites that meet all the requirements of the client, and I like to keep updates and talk about trending and upcoming technologies...

What I Do

Focused on Projects


Current Project 1


Current Project 2


Recent Completed Project


Recent Completed Project

Todos For Project

Gather Your Requirement

Always clear my project confusion to gather requirements of product.

Plan my Stage

It helps to define the problem and scope of any existing systems, as well as determine the objectives for their new systems It gives a logical view to manage projects in steps.

Design Project

outline the details for the overall application, alongside specific aspects, such as its: • User interfaces • System interfaces • Backend Schema

Development Stage

And the last but not the least Develop my projects according to plan and design which I created for better Development experience...

What I Have Created


FabHotel Clone





The Web Development Blog

This is a quick exercise to illustrate how the default, static navbar and fixed to top navbar work. It includes the responsive CSS and HTML, so it also adapts to your viewport and device.

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